Achieva | Blog
New Camp Request Deadline
Please note that the due date for camp requests from our Charitable Residual Program has been moved up to  APRIL 15, 2025.  Please get your applications for camp requests completed timely to ensure you meet the application deadline!


A collection of newsletters, press releases, and media coverage.

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Whether you want to learn what's new in the disability world, hear what others have to say about Achieva, or share Achieva's messaging with your audience, this is the place for you. Read all the latest news, or select the category of your choice to narrow down your search results.
Social Security Programs/Services Overview and Updates

Social Security Programs/Services Overview and Updates

Explore key insights into Social Security programs, including retirement, disability, and survivor benefits, along with updates for 2025. Learn about eligibility, income limits, and how to navigate appeals. Stay informed with helpful resources and links to plan your financial future.

'50 years ago this month, we exposed a state institution. It's finally closing.'

'50 years ago this month, we exposed a state institution. It's finally closing.'

"In 1973, Polk State School and Hospital drugged, bound and caged people with intellectual disabilities. We demanded change and helped set the stage for improvements that have endured." A first-person essay by Robert Nelkin in Public Source.

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Governor Shapiro's Budget is a Lifeline for Families and Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities and Autism

Governor Shapiro's Budget is a Lifeline for Families and Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities and Autism

Today, I thank Governor Josh Shapiro for listening to families and making a commitment to them by proposing a historic increase in funding that will provide urgently needed services for more than half of the people on Pennsylvania's emergency waiting list.

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911th CS gives its appreciation to custodial staff

911th CS gives its appreciation to custodial staff

November, designated as National Month of Gratitude, provided an opportune moment for the 911th Communications Squadron to reflect on the contributions of Achieva's custodial team.

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Pittsburgh Adaptive Recreation Expo

Pittsburgh Adaptive Recreation Expo

During the event, individuals with disabilities and their families can learn more about a variety of local programs and resources, including adaptive sports and recreation, innovation & technology, home health, caregiver support, and interactive adaptive equipment demonstrations.

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SSI Recipients Can't Afford Housing Anywhere In The United States

SSI Recipients Can't Afford Housing Anywhere In The United States

Nationally, the average rent for a basic studio or one-bedroom apartment exceeds the average SSI payment of $983 per month. Even in the cheapest rental market in the country — Dallas County, Mo. — rent for either a one-bedroom or efficiency would require 64% of a person's monthly SSI payment.

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Thank You, Governor Shapiro

Thank You, Governor Shapiro

Governor Shapiro unveiled his State Fiscal Year 2024/25 executive budget proposal on February 6, and for the Intellectual Disability & Autism (ID/A) service system, it was significant and positive.

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A Message from a Grateful Residual Program Recipient

A Message from a Grateful Residual Program Recipient

Through Achieva Family Trust's Charitable Residual program, one family benefitted from a bathroom remodel that will keep their daughter safe. "Achieva Family Trust made a significant impact on our daily lives and for that I will be forever grateful." Heather Shuker

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Act Now: Sign on to Improve Dental Care Access for Pennsylvanians with IDDs

Act Now: Sign on to Improve Dental Care Access for Pennsylvanians with IDDs

Make a difference in dental care inclusivity for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) in Pennsylvania. You have the opportunity to support a crucial initiative that would support equitable access to dental care for the 1 in 4 Pennsylvanians with a disability.

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Post-Gazette Pieces Emphasize The Workforce Crisis Hurting People With Disabilities

Post-Gazette Pieces Emphasize The Workforce Crisis Hurting People With Disabilities

The state's budget reveals what the state thinks of people with disabilities and autism. Another budget, another chance to help Pa.'s struggling disability care system.

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IRS Raises ABLE Account Limit

IRS Raises ABLE Account Limit

The Internal Revenue Service said that the federal gift tax exclusion increased to $18,000 effective at the start of this month. The annual deposit limit for ABLE accounts is tied to that measure, so it will rise as well.

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Guardianship - Senate Bill 506 is Now Act 61 of 2023!

Guardianship - Senate Bill 506 is Now Act 61 of 2023!

On December 13, 2023, after passage by the General Assembly, SB 506 became Act 61 upon the signature of Governor Shapiro. Act 61 is the result of many years of advocacy by disability and aging advocates (including Achieva) and the bi-partisan leadership of Senator Lisa Baker & Senator Art Haywood.

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SSI Beneficiaries Will See Double Payments This Month

SSI Beneficiaries Will See Double Payments This Month

People with disabilities receiving Supplemental Security Income can expect to receive two payments this month, but one will be higher than the other.

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Achieva Announced Mary Hartley as New President of The Arc of Greater Pittsburgh & Achieva Support Welcomes Two New Senior Vice-Presidents

Achieva Announced Mary Hartley as New President of The Arc of Greater Pittsburgh & Achieva Support Welcomes Two New Senior Vice-Presidents

Mary Hartley will join Achieva on February 12, 2024, just prior to the retirement of her predecessor, Nancy Murray. Court Hower and Kolleen Johnson were recently hired as Senior Vice Presidents for Achieva Support.

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Achieva Announces Selection of Mary Hartley as New President of The Arc of Greater Pittsburgh

Achieva Announces Selection of Mary Hartley as New President of The Arc of Greater Pittsburgh

Achieva has selected Mary Hartley as the incoming President of The Arc of Greater Pittsburgh. Mary will join Achieva on February 12, 2024, just prior to the retirement of her predecessor, Nancy Murray.

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Pittsburgh Magazine's Excellence in Nursing Chooses Achieva's Carol Miller, RN, BSN, Clinical Director for an Honorable Mention

Pittsburgh Magazine's Excellence in Nursing Chooses Achieva's Carol Miller, RN, BSN, Clinical Director for an Honorable Mention

The Honorable Mentions includes Carol Miller, RN, BSN, Achieva's Director of Clinical Services. About the honorees, Glasgow says: "Thank you for being the translator, healer, advocate, and navigator for patients and their families. Pittsburgh appreciates you!

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Achieva Extends Condolences on the Passing of Autism Connection of PA Trustee, Janice Bollman

Achieva Extends Condolences on the Passing of Autism Connection of PA Trustee, Janice Bollman

Janice E. Bollman, a trustee on the Autism Connection of PA Board, an affiliate of Achieva, recently passed away. The many friendships she established through her lifetime became just like family to her.

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Pittsburgh nonprofits hope Giving Tuesday will inspire generosity for essential programs

Pittsburgh nonprofits hope Giving Tuesday will inspire generosity for essential programs

After shoppers spent a record $9.8 billion in online sales for Black Friday, the annual "Giving Tuesday" fundraising event is here to inspire a spirit of generosity as the holiday season kicks off.

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Social Security Announces 3.2 Percent Benefit Increase for 2024

Social Security Announces 3.2 Percent Benefit Increase for 2024

Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits for more than 71 million Americans will increase 3.2 percent in 2024, the Social Security Administration announced today. On average, Social Security retirement benefits will increase by more than $50 per month starting in January.

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Achieva Announces Appointment of LaToya Warren as Chief Financial Officer and President of Achieva Resource

Achieva Announces Appointment of LaToya Warren as Chief Financial Officer and President of Achieva Resource

Achieva Announces Appointment of LaToya Warren as Chief Financial Officer and President of Achieva Resource

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Achieva Participated in The Arc of the United States National Convention

Achieva Participated in The Arc of the United States National Convention

As a chapter of The Arc, representatives from Achieva attended The Arc's National Convention in New Orleans this week. The annual convention offered opportunities to engage and gain knowledge with other professionals, advocates, people with disabilities, and their families.

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Annaleigh Benefits from Charitable Residual Program

Annaleigh Benefits from Charitable Residual Program

Annaleigh is a lover of many things, especially things out of her wheelchair. Due to her inability to walk, she really enjoys activities like adaptive ballet, adaptive snow skiing, swimming, and bike riding.

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Achieva Honored with 2023 Community Champion Award by UPMC

Achieva Honored with 2023 Community Champion Award by UPMC

On October 25, Achieva accepted the Community Champion Award by UPMC Senior Services and UPMC Western Behavorial Health. The award is given annually to an organization that has shown exceptional organizational leadership to create better communities around the region.

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Honoring Cecil and David Rosenthal means learning to #LoveLiketheBoys

Honoring Cecil and David Rosenthal means learning to #LoveLiketheBoys

Cecil was a greeter at the synagogue each and every Saturday — a role tailor-made for his welcoming spirit, as most will attest. David handed out prayer shawls and Torahs to old friends and new ones - for both boys, there wasn't a difference between the two.

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Achieva Family Trust Recognizes Two Monthly Observances for October

Achieva Family Trust Recognizes Two Monthly Observances for October

National Special Needs Law Month and National Disability Employment Awareness Month

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Achieva Announces Planned Retirement of Gary Horner, Executive Vice President and CFO

Achieva Announces Planned Retirement of Gary Horner, Executive Vice President and CFO

Achieva, one of Pennsylvania's largest providers of services for children and adults with disabilities and their families, announced the retirement plans of Gary K. Horner, an esteemed leader with a nearly three-decade tenure at the organization.

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