Now Hiring - Director of Development, Achieva
This key position will assist with leading and directing the organization’s fundraising, grant-seeking, and event planning and managing functions. Learn more and apply today
Join Us at Valley Brook Country Club for a day of golf and prizes.
Join Achieva at the 26th Annual Million Dollar Golf Outing. Register today!


'50 years ago this month, we exposed a state institution. It's finally closing.'

Polk State School & Hospital, later renamed Polk State Center, in Polk, Venango County, in an undated photo. (Historic American Buildings Survey/Library of Congress)
“In 1973, Polk State School and Hospital drugged, bound and caged people with intellectual disabilities. We demanded change and helped set the stage for improvements that have endured.”

Robert Nelkin was an integral part of Achieva’s history when known as the Allegheny County Chapter of the Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children (ACC-PARC). His recent piece in Public Source is a must-read, along with the links within the article, which point to a rich collection of historical documents.
Read Public Source Essay

Read Compass Newsletter