Now Hiring - Director of Development, Achieva
This key position will assist with leading and directing the organization’s fundraising, grant-seeking, and event planning and managing functions. Learn more and apply today
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Join Achieva at the 26th Annual Million Dollar Golf Outing. Register today!


Self-Advocates Amplify Voices During Governor Shapiro's Visit to Achieva

Photo: Sierra Wechtenhiser, Governor Shapiro & Christy Wechtenhiser
President and CEO of Achieva, Steve Suroviec, welcomed the governor to Achieva’s headquarters during a recent visit and press conference. Achieva employee Erin Grimes spoke along with two women she supports, Sierra & Christy Wechtenhiser, about the impact of budget deficiencies. In addition to Governor Shapiro, Senator Jay Costa, Representative Aerion Abney, and Representative Jessica Benham also addressed the audience.

Watch video of visit

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