Achieva | Love Like the Boys
Now Hiring - Vice President, Advancement
This key position will develop and implement a vision to advance Achieva’s position as a leader through relationship and partner cultivation, communications, and fundraising. Learn more and apply today.
New Camp Request Deadline
Please note that the due date for camp requests from our Charitable Residual Program has been moved up to  APRIL 15, 2025.  Please get your applications for camp requests completed timely to ensure you meet the application deadline!

Love Like The Boys

Join Achieva and the Rosenthal Family as We Promote Random Acts of Kindness

Love Like the Boys Logo [Black word bubble with a golden heart in the center]

Cecil and David Rosenthal, inseparable brothers known for their love for life, were among those taken too soon during the tragedy at Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life Synagogue. Family and friends referred to Cecil and David as 'the boys' because of their innocent, kind-hearted nature.

How can you help?

Donations to the Cecil and David Rosenthal Memorial Fund help others with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities live their best lives. 

*Select “Make a Donation” above, then choose "Cecil and David Rosenthal Fund" from the drop-down list stating "Please choose one."

Brighten Someone's Day!

Pair these cards with your Random Acts of Kindness. Join and post to Achieva's Love Like the Boys Facebook group or post on Instagram using the #LoveLikeTheBoys hashtag.

Download + Print

We can't make sense of the events at the Tree of Life but we can choose how we react to them:

  • Give someone a hug or a high-five
  • Write a hand-written note
  • Call an old friend
  • Visit an elderly neighbor
  • Surprise someone with baked goods
  • Offer to assist an elderly neighbor
  • Leave quarters at a vending or bubble gum machine 
  • Give waitstaff a generous tip
  • Thank someone for impacting your life
  • Offer compliments   
  • Give clothing or food to someone in need
  • Donate blood
  • Volunteer your time to a local non-profit
  • Clean up a local park