Medicaid and Medicare - Using Both Benefits, A Primer for Dual Eligibles
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Medicaid and Medicare - Using Both Benefits, A Primer for Dual Eligibles

April 1, 2022

View The Webinar

Webinar Description

Millions of Americans are enrolled in both the Medicare and Medicaid programs and millions more will become eligible over the next few years (possibly someone near and dear to you). These people are referred to as ‘dual eligible.’ The impact of these benefits (for Dual Eligibles) is to significantly reduce or completely eliminate the costs of health care - if you understand how to use them to their greatest effect.

This presentation will:
  • Examine the characteristics of dual eligibility.
  • The benefits that each program (Medicare and Medicaid) provides.
  • How each program coordinates with the other.
  • The special problems that dual eligibility generates and how to effectively deal with those problems.

Presenter: Bill McKendree