Now Hiring - Director of Development, Achieva
This key position will assist with leading and directing the organization’s fundraising, grant-seeking, and event planning and managing functions. Learn more and apply today
Join Us at Valley Brook Country Club for a day of golf and prizes.
Join Achieva at the 26th Annual Million Dollar Golf Outing. Register today!

Life Domains Developmental Disability Specific

March 28, 2022

Exploring Life Possibilities

Developmental Disability Specific

There are many options for living, working, and playing in the community. What might have been great 30 years ago, may not work for today’s vision of a quality life in the community. This tool is to help individuals and families look at a variety of life options in each of the life domains, some of which are traditional or historic and no longer preferred by many, some that are known and tried, but not necessarily the norm, and others that are new or unfamiliar to individuals, families and professionals.