Achieva | CtLC Integrated Supports Star
Now Hiring - Director of Development, Achieva
This key position will assist with leading and directing the organization’s fundraising, grant-seeking, and event planning and managing functions. Learn more and apply today
Join Us at Valley Brook Country Club for a day of golf and prizes.
Join Achieva at the 26th Annual Million Dollar Golf Outing. Register today!

CtLC Integrated Supports Star

March 28, 2022

Integrated Supports for a Good Life

The Integrated Support Star principle and tool can be used by anyone (individuals, families, or professionals) to guide their thinking about supports. It can be used for mapping current services and supports, problem-solving for a specific need, or planning the next steps. The star can help explore current needs, identify gaps, or plan how to access supports for the future.

The tool can be used to guide a conversation over the phone or facilitate an in-person planning meeting with one person or a group of people.