Achieva | Resources
Now Hiring - Vice President, Advancement
This key position will develop and implement a vision to advance Achieva’s position as a leader through relationship and partner cultivation, communications, and fundraising. Learn more and apply today.
New Camp Request Deadline
Please note that the due date for camp requests from our Charitable Residual Program has been moved up to  APRIL 15, 2025.  Please get your applications for camp requests completed timely to ensure you meet the application deadline!

Stay Informed


Achieva offers informative resources from each of the families within our organization. Filter by keyword, category or topic to assist in your search.

Preparing Your Child for College

August 4, 2023

Planning for College with Achieva

August 1, 2023

Using the IEP to Pay for College

May 25, 2023

Understanding The Basics of OVR

January 18, 2023

Are you a person with a disability who is interested in knowing more about college or working? Would you like to know how to tap into available resources from OVR? If so, this presentation is for you!

Preparing Transition Students and Young Adults for the Workforce, and to be Financially Successful

December 6, 2022

This presentation covers different Medicaid categories including Healthy Horizons and Medical Assistance for Workers with Disabilities (MAWD), CHIP, and Waiver.

Planning for college for students with intellectual disabilities

May 4, 2021

Students with intellectual disabilities attending inclusive college programs are a growing population. 5 of Pennsylvania's state universities now have programs for students with IDD.

The Basics of Special Education Law and Rights under Section 504

September 13, 2019

Nancy Potter, from McAndrews Law Offices, covers the basics of special education law and section 504 rights for students with disabilities.